Thứ Tư, 19 tháng 8, 2015

Adding a 'Click to Chat' or 'Ask a Librarian' tab to your Web Page

Chat tabs are a handy option for consistent chat help placement, especially when page real estate is dear. With LibraryH3lp, you can easily create a tab with customized wording that opens a chat widget when a guest clicks it. You also control the offline appearance of the tab and can direct guests to email, an email contact form, or your FAQ when your service is unavailable.

It only takes a bit of extra styling to transform your LibraryH3lp service into a tab. And no worries if you don't know anything about CSS or HTML. Our step-by-step tab guide walks you through it.  You need only cut and paste the styles.

LibraryH3lp website 'Click to Chat' tab

Thứ Tư, 12 tháng 8, 2015

Easy-to-Update Public Announcements for any Web Page

Need a quick and easy way to manage announcements on a web page? You know, something that non-technical staff could use to update content on high-profile web pages without needing to touch the web page itself. Happily, your LibraryH3lp-powered FAQ lets you do just that.

Simply add a question to your FAQ site whose answer is the announcement content you wish to embed.  Then use the answer-only embed option to auto-magically include the announcement content within your web page.  From there, you and your colleagues need only update the answer content to keep your web page up-to-date with the latest information.

You can use your FAQ for all sorts of announcements...
  • General announcements or updates
  • Library news items
  • Database, catalog, or any other statuses, including outages and planned maintenance
  • Weather-related closings or hours changes
  • Emergency situations and directions
How are you using your FAQ?  We'd love to hear about it!  Please add a comment below or e-mail us.

Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 8, 2015

New FAQ customization options

FAQ sites received an update this weekend.  This update brings the ability to customize the wording for everything that shows up for users viewing your FAQ.  This is especially important because it means that the public view of a FAQ in a non-English language can be fully translated now, with no pesky English-language default system components in view. And of course, if your FAQ is in English, you can now fully customize all of the default labels.

These new customizations build on functionality previously available within FAQ templates. Specifically:
  1. To customize the 'Not finding what you need? Contact us' phrase, add this to your base.html template somewhere within the BODY element:

    <div id="contact-us" style="display:none">Custom text</div>
  2. To customize the 'Ask Us!' button in the instant search results, add this to your base.html template somewhere within the BODY element:

    <div id="ask-us" style="display:none">Custom text</div>
  3. To customize the 'All' topic in the search.html template, you'll need to update the 'All' wording in the #current-topic element then you'll need add the following to the base.html template:

    <div id="all-topics" style="display:none">Customization</div>
New to LibraryH3lp FAQs? The LibraryH3lp FAQ module lets you create your own custom external or internal (password-protected) searchable, browseable knowledgebase. You get unlimited independent FAQ sites with your LibraryH3lp subscription. FAQs are simple to build and if you have an existing FAQ outside of LibraryH3lp, we can help you import it. 

Want to see what others have done with the LibraryH3lp FAQ module? Check out our Pinterest board showcasing super neat FAQ customizations. And let us know if you have a FAQ you'd like to see included in the Pinterest board.  We'd love to add it!